Well Balanced Physical Therapy Brand Photoshoot


Ember Smith | Well Balanced Physical Therapy | Sioux Falls, SD | Brand Photoshoot | February 2023

Ember and I met back in November when we both attended a brand networking event here in Sioux Falls and she told me about her plan and desire to start a cash-based physical therapy business. So we followed each other on Instagram and fast-forward a few months, she’s doing the dang thing! Watching her via social media take the leap to start Well Balanced Physical Therapy was so inspiring and I got the inkling to reach out to her about brand photos and to my excitement, she was totally up for it!

I adore working with women who are passionate about paving their own unique career path and creating a life that works for them. Ember is a physical therapist, but throughout this process, it became clear that she also has a very natural business sense. The steps she’s taken this early to build her business is admirable and I just loved getting to work with her!

The goal of this session was to showcase Ember working with clients in both an in-home and office setting, show some behind-the-scenes of the business aspect, capture a few headshots, and incorporate Ember’s passion as a fitness instructor. I’m so thrilled with the content we got and I cannot wait to see uses these images on her website and social media. Check out the images below!


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