Five Things Entrepreneurs Can Do During Their Slow Season


If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or creative, it's very possible that the winter months signal a slow season for you. ⁠Slow seasons can feel a little daunting...even though it's totally normal to have slow business months, this time can be anxiety-inducing. ⁠Here are a few things to keep you busy if you’re feeling a little direction-less during this time:

Website Revamp

If you’re someone who has had “redo website” on your to-do list for months, you’re not alone! Website design is definitely an evolution and they tend to need frequent updates. If you’ve been swamped with running your business, it’s very likely your website has been on the back burner. Your slow season is a great time to sit down and revamp your site so it better serves you and your customers. 

Social Media Content Planning

Just like your website, social media content planning is an easy thing to let fall to the wayside when you’re super busy. During this slow period, it can be really valuable to sit down and make a social media plan. Writing out content ideas and captions along with planning 

Sort Through Digital Clutter

I am completely guilty of cluttering up my Google Drive, computer desktop, and phone with random photos, documents, spreadsheets, and an assortment of other files. Digital clutter definitely leads to mental clutter so taking the time to organize those documents into files or onto a USB drive can relieve a lot of stress and anxiety. And if you’re like me, you’ll probably find some valuable and useful stuff in all of that clutter (like caption ideas, business ideas, goals, etc.)

Invest in Education

One thing that I can’t recommend enough is investing in your education. Launching yourself into your business is great, but we definitely don’t know everything and sometimes an outside perspective from experts can be just the refresh you need to reevaluate and set up your business even better. As a photographer, I’ve invested in photography education as well as business education and I continue to do so every year. Education can come in the form of networking events, masterminds, online courses, webinars, and so much more. 

Brand Photoshoot

This slow season will give you plenty of opportunity to evaluate where you are and what you can improve. If one of those things is a need for content, then a brand session is something to consider investing in. Doing a brand session in your slower months allows you to really take the time needed to figure out your goals, strategy, and how you’d like to target potential clients. 

While not mentioned on this list, I am a big supporter of rest during your slow season. Coming off a super busy fall and holiday season (especially if you’re a photographer), you’re probably pretty burnt out. The best thing you can do for yourself is rest and take care of yourself. Once you are feeling reenergized and excited about work again, then you can tackle this list!

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